A brief funding lesson: Summer Eats/Summer Food Service Program is federally funded through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and administered here by the Massachusetts Department of Early and Secondary Education (DESE). (Yes - that’s a lot of acronyms!)
Food 4 Kids has been an SFSP Sponsor serving the lower/outer Cape since the summer of 2013. Each summer we are reimbursed a fixed amount for each meal a child receives. The reimbursement rate/meal is set by the USDA and is the same across all 50 states, regardless of variations in the cost to prepare and deliver the meals. In 2023 that federal funding covered about 62% of our expenses.
Who Covers the Rest?
Thank You To Those Organizations That Provide Critical Financial Support
State-wide Organizations
Department of Early and Secondary Education
(Annual EATS Grant)
Project Bread
The Church Home Society
Association of Student Financial Aid
Local Funding Organizations
Nauset Newcomers
The Bernard & Judy Cornwell Foundation
Local Community Human Services Grants
Brewster | Chatham | Eastham | Harwich | Orleans | Wellfleet | Truro | Provincetown
Faith-Based Organizations
Church of the Holy Spirit (Episcopal)
Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts
Society of ST. VINCENT de PAUL
Am HaYam - Cape Cod Havurah
Federated Church – Orleans